I’m Amelia. I have been working with hair care product shampoo and conditioner for 6 long years. This website is...Read more

There is a good chance you haven’t faced getting shampoo in your eye yet. You’ve probably just heard of the dangers of getting shampoo in your eyes. There are risks to your vision if you get it in your eye. But your question is, can you go blind from getting shampoo in your eye? Let’s know the answer and discuss it in this article.
Shampoo can easily get into your eye if it is accidentally washed into the eye while you are bathing or showering. If it happens, the shampoo can cause a scratch on the eye’s surface, allowing infection and even blindness. Today I will try to dig into this topic. So let’s go digging!
Table of Contents
What are the symptoms of getting shampoo in your eye?

The symptoms of shampoo getting into your eye vary from person to person and are dependent on the severity of the eye injuries. If shampoo gets into your eyes even though you know it’s in there, the problem is likely worse than if it’s only just happened. It will feel like tiny grains of sand are getting into your eye. You may also be able to see the shampoo particles on your eyeball.
The main symptom to look for is that the white of your eye will look yellow or brown. If there’s too much shampoo in your eye and it’s spreading across the white of your eye. The immediate sign is likely to be a stinging sensation. It might also burn and feel like particles are getting into your eye. Because they’re actually getting into your eyes and blocking them up.
If these symptoms are mild, they’ll probably go away soon enough without any treatment. The symptoms are:
- Eye Pain is like a sharp jab in one area of the head.
- A clear or yellowish discharge from the eye.
- Feeling something squishy and gooey in the corner of one eye.
- You may feel a stinging sensation in your eye.
- Itchy eyes.
- Redness in the eye.
- It may cause vision changes. Or it may be blurry or out of focus, making colors look dull and washed out and making it difficult to read or see what is happening around you.
- There’s a feeling of pressure inside the eye, like something pushing up against your eyeball.
- Feel swollen eyelids or ‘bags’ under the eyes. It can happen if you’ve had swelling that has gone down as you cannot open your eye properly.
If the signs stay for a little bit, you do not need to go to any doctor. But if you feel one of those following symptoms for a certain period, you should go to an ophthalmologist.
What should you do if you get shampoo in your eye?

When you get shampoo in your eyes, it’s important to remove it as soon as possible because bacteria from the shampoo can get into your eye. To do this, you can use a towel to squeeze out the excess liquid from under your eyelashes.
If it’s not possible to rinse your eyes, apply a cold compress immediately. You should leave this on for at least 30 minutes, up to an hour. Then apply antibiotic drops or ointment to help prevent irritation. If you have more serious problems like keratitis, you should get it treated as soon as possible.
When shampoo gets into your eye, you should get it out soon. You might be able to rinse it out with cool water, and this will stop the eye pain and help relieve the eye irritation. You can do this by gently squeezing and squeezing the affected area until all the excess liquid has come out. If this doesn’t work, it’s probably best to get medical attention. If you don’t do something quick, it could lead to more serious problems.
Try to avoid rubbing your eyes because you might think they’re clean. So you don’t need to worry anymore. If there is still shampoo coming through, or you are not feeling good while opening your eyes, you should go to the ophthalmology specialist for help.
The doctor should be able to put some drops or give you an antibiotic injection to reduce pain and inflammation from the shampoo. You may also have a cream sent off immediately. In rare cases, surgery may be required on the eye surface.
Can you go blind from getting shampoo in your eye?
Yes, it is possible to go blind from getting shampoo in your eye. If you leave the shampoo in your eye for too long and don’t get it treated, you could develop keratitis. It is an inflammation of the cornea, a transparent layer of tissue covering the front of the eye. If this becomes worse, it could lead to blindness. In fact, some keratitis cases are so bad that even surgery can’t save your sight.
However, doctors can treat keratitis and prevent it from getting worse. You can usually get a pair of steroid eye drops for a few days, which will help clear it up a bit. If you have more serious problems like keratitis, you may need surgery to remove the damaged cornea. If you want to avoid this problem altogether, keep your eyes away from shampoo.
Even if you don’t do anything about the shampoo in your eye, you can take a few steps to stop it from getting worse. In most cases, the eye irritation should go away after a couple of days. But there’s always the chance that some permanent damage might occur.
It’s unlikely that you would ever end up in this situation, but it’s always good to be prepared for anything. If the shampoo gets into your eye, get medical help as soon as possible. And don’t forget that it could happen to anyone else in the house, so make sure they know what they should do.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
It’s easy. Just keep your hands and hair out of your eyes. If you need to clean your face, keep your eyes and shampoo-free hands. The best way to prevent shampoo from getting into your eyes is to wash your hair with your eyes closed or use goggles while shampooing.
If you don’t use goggles, make sure the nozzle is pointing away from you. Or you’re in a wide-enough bathrooms so that you don’t accidentally get shampoo in your eye. Always rinse your eyes with clean water after washing your hair. It may sound a bit over-the-top but if you get shampoo in your eye, try not to rub it; instead, apply cool compresses.
When anything feels strange or painful, it’s important to go straight to see a doctor. When you have common eye problems from shampoo getting in your eyes, speak to your doctor about ways to stop this from happening again. Your doctor may be able to give you something called a hot compress.
While you’ve been using a shampoo that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (SLES), there’s not much you can do. As this is the main ingredient in all shampoos. If you use sodium lauryl sulfate shampoo or any hard or resinous shampoo, you could get shampoo in your eye. You should stop using it, even if the symptoms are mild.
You could try washing your hair with a different kind of shampoo. But bear in mind that even if it doesn’t get into your eyes directly, it may still be uncomfortable and unpleasant to wash with. Like with all these kinds of things, prevention is better than cure.
One of the best ways to avoid getting shampoo in your eye is to use a shampoo shower filter. It filters out the particles before they even get into the water and can stop this from happening altogether. You could also try washing your hair over a sink – if you get shampoo in your eye.
Can shampoo cause blurred vision?
Yes, sometimes it causes. Shampoo going into your eyes, especially when accompanied by hot water and tearing, can cause blurred vision. Even after just a few minutes of rubbing the eyes, it can happen when there is still some chemical burn left in your system.
It leads to inflammation and infection. If you experience blurred vision, closed eyes, or irritation in your eyes after shampooing, stop and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Question
Shampoo getting into the eyes can be painful and uncomfortable. But it doesn’t usually cause long-term damage. However, in some rare cases, it can cause more serious problems.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, like dry eye syndrome, blurred vision or blindness or swelling, and a heavy feeling in your eye, go to the eye doctor as soon as possible. Steroid drops can treat the condition quickly, or you may need surgery to remove the damaged cornea.
Soap can permanently damage your eyes if you get it in your eyes, especially if it’s a strong soap orbleach that you use to clean the bathroom. In some cases, it can lead to corneal scarring or even loss of vision. It is possible to cure the condition, but it may take a long time and not be curable.
Final Words
It is important to be careful when cleaning your face and eyes. If you get shampoo in your eye, flush it with cool water. If the irritation does not improve within that time, go to an ophthalmologist immediately. When you are searching for ‘Can you go blind from getting shampoo in your eye’- I hope you can get an actual answer with some caution. Hopefully, it will help you!

I’m Amelia. I have been working with hair care product shampoo and conditioner for 6 long years. This website is an outlet of my deep passion for hair, Shampoo and Conditioner. Basically, I'm here to guide you on shampoo and conditioner.
If everything you’re saying is true, wouldn’t most everyone in the world be blind or have damaged vision? Most everyone I have known has gotten shampoo in their eyes at one time or another. Also, even though I know that you didn’t suggest this in your article, some people say that you should spend fifteen minutes flushing out your eyes. But who does that? 15 minutes of that is enough to drive anyone crazy.
From my point of view, just it was my simply suggestion.